Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Sue loses 67 pounds with Isagenix!

I lost 67 pounds!

My name is Susan Schweitzer and I live in Wind Lake, WI. Being a wife and a very busy mother of two young boys over the past 10 years, my weight was climbing along with my age. After trying to get into my one and only pair of Jeans that I owned for the last 8 years they wouldn't zip. I cried I knew I had to take control of my weight. I was not going to buy a bigger size.

I also work outside the home in a professional setting and constantly need to keep up a business wardrobe. When I was introduced to Isagenix through a friend I had some doubt if this would work or if it was just another fad diet.

I tried the 9 day cleanse and couldn’t believe I lost 12 lbs, and the inches I lost was incredible! I kept going by ordering a 30 day program and have been on Isagenix for a year now. I am down 67 lbs and 56 inches! Thank you Isagenix!

The real score for me is I have taken a new responsibility for myself which I didn’t have before. I was always responsible and in charge of everyone else. I never came first. NOW I DO.

I feel absolutely wonderful. I have more energy, my skin looks great, I am down four sizes and the wardrobe has been replenished. I walk at least 2.5 miles per day. For once I can’t wait for the Holiday parties.

Will Cleansing WORK for me?

Is Cleansing Really Goning To Help Me Lose Weight?

Listen to what Dr. Harper has to say about cleansing, you will be surpized to hear his version on the Isagenix Cleansing and Fat Burning System,
Listen to Dr. Harper, Click Here!

Join Gastroenterologist Becky Natrajan, M.D., in this ground-breaking video as she speaks out on the toxic environment in which we live and what you can do to help cleanse your body of impurities. Click here to begin video to learn even more about the power of nutritional cleansing

Get started BEFORE NEW YEARS! Order here

Top 10 Reasons to LOSE WEIGHT!

Top Ten Benefits of WEIGHT LOSS
So, what are the top ten health benefits you can expect after dropping 10 percent of your weight?
10. Better blood pressure
9. Improved heart health and lower cholesterol levels
8. Decreased risk for diabetes
7. Enhanced sex life
6. A better night’s sleep for those with obstructive sleep apnea
5. Less pain associated with arthritis, joint disease, and lower back pain.
4. Better breathing
3. Decreased risk for colon and breast cancer
2. A healthier gallbladder
1. More energy